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Finnbar Brown
‘Finn’ joined us in 2017 when he was adopted as a puppy by Seamus and Lisa. Finn has become our mascot, a welcome sight at the center, joining the children on walks and letting us know when visitors arrive and when the squirrels are getting too close!

Finnbar Brown
What do you value most in your friends? WOOF! (smell good!) Which of your characteristics do you value most? WOOF! (my shiny coat ) What do you consider your greatest achievement? WOOF! ( being house trained!) What is your greatest regret? WOOF! ( I chewed my favourite toy) What is your idea of perfect happiness? WOOF WOOF!! ( getting to my bed before the cats take it over) What is your current state of mind? WOOF! (happy!!) Which living person do you most admire? WOOF! WOOF! Mom and Dad! ( Lisa and Seamus) Which words or phrases do you most overuse? WOOF! WOOF! (woof woof) Where would you most like to live? WOOF! ( right here in Roachville) What talent would you most like to have? WOOF! ( to be able to fit under the couch to get my lost bone) What is it you most dislike? WOOF! (when all the kids go home on weekends) What is your favourite travel destination? WOOF! (anywhere I go with Mom and Dad!) What is your greatest fear? WOOF! ( not afraid of anything!) What is your motto? WOOF! ( don't worry- be happy!)