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Haley Wiggins
Preschool Lead Educator
Haley joined us for her ECE placement in April 2021 and has been such a great fit, we’ve decided to keep her! Haley grew up in Bloomfield and graduated from SRHS in 2019. While working as a summer student at the Sussex Library and traveling to different Early Learning Centers to read to the children, she realized ECE was the field for her. She enjoys gardening, swimming and reading. Haley and her boyfriend Lucas live in Dutch Valley with their cat Goose.

Haley Wiggins
What do you value most in your friends? Honesty
Which of your characteristics do you value most? I’m very giving and always ready to help
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Finishing year one of my ECE
What is your greatest regret? Taking a year off between high school and ECE
What is your idea of perfect happiness? Enjoying your work and having people to love and love you back
Which living person do you most admire? My Dad!
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? With the kids- ‘Lets’ rock and roll!’ or I call them ‘turkeys’ a lot. Lol
Where would you like to live? I would like to live in Bloomfield where I grew up.
What talent would you most like to have? I love to draw! ( but I am not very good at it )
What is it you most dislike? I dislike it when people have a negative attitude about their job.
What is your favourite travel destination? Costa Rica
What is your greatest fear? Losing my family